The People


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Fresno Cohousing Group Photo

The people of La Querencia are single, married with children and without; infants to seniors; working families and retirees. They share a simple desire to live peacefully as neighbors

We are real people hoping to take advantage of pooled ideas, talents, and resources to guide us as we design and build homes that we want to live in.

Since September 2004, we have worked together to plan our neighborhood and homes. By discussing our ideals and values, we have been able to focus on the aspects of our new community that are most important to us. With these guidelines we have worked hard to keep our design within reach of all members.

We want to live in a multi-generational, child-friendly environment within easy walking distance of shopping. We value energy and resource efficient design, good architecture, and natural beauty. We have no common political or religious orientation, only a common desire to live in a neighborhood of our own design.

On the way back from a concert and picnic, Neil & Bev had a serious tire blowout. They called us and, cohousers to the rescue! We caught up with them and picked up their passengers, and left George there to make sure Neil didn't try to fix the tire himself before AAA came. (Neil was there to make sure George didn't, either!) We also left them with an umbrella and water to go along with their chairs. read more

Visit us on the First Sunday of the month between 1 and 3 pm